I love Sundays!
Sundays are all about doing the things we love to do
whether it's digging in a new garden or like today, helping Mike erect the walls of our garage!
Its part of a family tradition that I grew up with, eating around the table with my Uncles and their families, and occasionally, visiting family from overseas.
But as the family moved away.....across the ocean and throughout New Zealand, this family tradition became a thing of the past.

So when my mum suggested that she could move up here to be closer to us, I was overjoyed at the idea! It would mean my children would finally have their Nana down the road, just like I had.

Being rural she isn't within walking distance. But still nearby enough to be always be on hand. Which is something that has been a bit of a novelty this past year!
Yesterday it was so lovely hearing my son on the phone to his Nana, asking if he and his brother could stay the night.....it is something that was just not a reality when we lived 6 hours away.
And dropping in for a coffee and chat at Mums when I just feel like it, or dropping off Lil Miss for a couple of hours when I need to go places child free, is wonderful!
But the best part about it, is knowing that as the evening draws nearer, there's a roast dinner waiting at Mums.
Its part of a family tradition that I grew up with, eating around the table with my Uncles and their families, and occasionally, visiting family from overseas.
But as the family moved away.....across the ocean and throughout New Zealand, this family tradition became a thing of the past.

So when my mum suggested that she could move up here to be closer to us, I was overjoyed at the idea! It would mean my children would finally have their Nana down the road, just like I had.

Being rural she isn't within walking distance. But still nearby enough to be always be on hand. Which is something that has been a bit of a novelty this past year!
Yesterday it was so lovely hearing my son on the phone to his Nana, asking if he and his brother could stay the night.....it is something that was just not a reality when we lived 6 hours away.
And dropping in for a coffee and chat at Mums when I just feel like it, or dropping off Lil Miss for a couple of hours when I need to go places child free, is wonderful!
But being able to
pick up a family tradition that had been lost for so many years is
something I treasure....and I'm sure my Nana would be stoked about it
Is there a family tradition that you have or would like to rekindle?
I'd love to hear :)
Also linking in with Miriam at B.M.W.B :)