Yesterday morning I had a note in my mailbox to pick up a parcel from the postoffice.... I was pretty excited, but being the morning I put it to the side and planned to pick it up that afternoon.
So lets fast forward......
I had a huge surprise when I lady came out of the back office with a large box.... for me??? I got back to the car.... the boys were all for opening it then and there, but I restrained myself ( although I could have easily ripped it open too! ) and drove home, where I then placed it on the table unopened for the next hour, as a dealt with my eldest having a major meltdown over missing lego pieces!
( Lil Misses little fingers are the culprit )
When I finally sat down to open it, it was just what I needed,
I could not believe my eyes! .......
I opened the cards and read the loving words, and just couldn't contain the tears.... so very touching...this was all for me!?
( I'm still feeling emotional about it!)
Thankyou so much to all of you who were involved,
A big thankyou to the person who nominated me.... ( I have an inkling )
and lastly thankyou Sophie for dreaming up such a beautiful idea!
I feel truely blessed to be a recipient of this lovebomb.
And now for the breakdown..
This gorgeous head piece was quickly snatched up and is already adorning this little one's head
Move over NZ Gardener....
you now have competition for bedtime reading
Wearing these now... just because I can!
And look at this great selection! Red lippy, a sticker which I think may belong on the car? or maybe the fridge? (can't decide)
A cute as pie gigatic polkadot (love) button hair tie......
And also I can't quite believe that I received Juliet's sewing kit! I only just left a comment recently about how gorgeous it was.... and there are all kinds of lovely notions contained within, including some beautiful butterfly stitchmarkers... and a darling set of novelty flat head pins ( hidden under the needles in photo )

Plus I can't go without mentioning all the yummy chocolatey treats ( aswell as some delish homemade truffles ), and luxurious beauty creams... boy I've been pampered!
So who is this "Sisterhood"?
After googling I came up with an article read here and then that lead me to Sophies blog here explaining it all for me......more tears! It's been lovely to read that I've been one of many others to receive these. Infact I'm now joining up here as I would love to be part of making someone elses day/week/month special, as it has been for me... and if you are thinking about it?
I truely believe in Karma!