Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another Gift Finished

Next on the list was some much needed clothes for Lil Misses Dolls

These have been so much fun to make.... and especially photograph!

I feel like I should be introducing these dolls by name,
but around here dolls are just called bubba!
And being clothes for dolls, there was not as much finishing needed... and their may or may not have been the occasional cheat with the hot glue gun

To finish it off, some cloth nappies and baby wipes.

Nappy pattern from here

Now with christmas getting close and so many other things to sew, I am wondering whether I should make a nappy bag to hold it all together?  It would finish the gift of nicely... I guess time will tell.

And on another note I'm starting to wonder whether the lovely Juliet from Tartan Kiwi has a hidden camera in my house... we always seem to have the same projects on the go, see her latest here... mind you she's probably thinking the same thing about me!.... its getting spooky..... don't you think Juliet? lol


Naturally Carol said...Best Blogger Tips

Fantastic clothes for all those Bubba's! I must pop over to see Juliet's too.

Miriam said...Best Blogger Tips

They look great - you 2 do seem to be rather on the same wave length!

tartankiwi said...Best Blogger Tips

I think Yo Baby needs a few lessons in posing for the camera from Bubba and Bubba! Love your dresses, very cute.
Definitely getting spooky! I'm going to have to start checking with you before I start a project. That said, I love that each time we do something similar the results are so different.

Cat said...Best Blogger Tips

LOVING the nappies and wipes - I SO have to do this for Tsunami - she LOVES changing bubbas nappies and wiping their bottoms

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