Since reuniting with my beloved sewing machine, coupled with the luxury of being able to leave her out, I've enjoyed plodding along with a couple of projects in the last couple of weeks

This fabric had been screaming out to me from
the cabinet to be sewn with first! But what?
I had many ideas floating around my head before I settled on this pair of pants
And during the whole process I thought,
'what was I thinking!!' they're so LOUD!!
But the moment I clipped that last thread and handed them to my girl with her over the top exclaimation "Oh I looove them!"
I knew I was on to a winner.
And they do reflect her gorgeous spirit so well
Although I do love to see my little girl dressed up in
dresses and tights!, ( as she does too )
functionality is a must around these muddy parts,
so a second pair was cut and ready to go this week.
This time with some opshop sweatshirt material
I scored for a bargain price.....infact I could still smell the mothballs each time I ironed it!
Teamed with a bright pink tartan for some playfullness!
And apart from a couple of pairs of leggings and nighties needed for her wardrobe, shes pretty much set for those practical items so onwards and upwards to those fun dresses and skirts very soon I think....
picture me rubbing my hands together!
Pattern: Ottobre Magazine 1/2010 #17
Joining in finally! with Leonie :) from Sunshine x 3