Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Custom Dress Done!

Well blog posts have been few and far between for me......and I haven't read anyone's blog in a while either, I am actually dreading seeing how much posts are awaiting in my reader!! Eeek!

We've made a life changing decision in the last few weeks that has had me all in a daze, researching and writing exemption letters that felt more like essays!

As of next year we will be homeschooling all of our children!!! 
Big Leap I know!

Been instagramming a lot!
And if you had asked me a couple of months ago would I?.
I would have given you a hell no!! and a screwed up face in reply!

But to be honest it is something I have contemplated over the years, but I just never had the courage to carry out.....but recently I have been putting myself first, trying to heal my back with the help of my Osteopaths and Yoga, and changing my diet to help heal my stomach by reducing gluten, dairy, and sugar and introducing sourdough, homemade yoghurt, and water kefir ( next on the list is sauerkraut! )

The result has been a lot more energy and confidence in myself......hence the life changing decision!  Double EEEEEKKK!  
( adopted the Eeek's  from Cat and never going back hehe )

But I also have stopped by to show you my latest creation, a little bit of eye candy!

For the Blessing Deb Auction I entered my dress making services as part of a Auction Item.  And this week I finally sent the dress off to Sammy who was the auction so so late!

I made this custom summer dress for her little girl.  The only proviso's that Sammy gave me was it needed to be roomy enough to fit a merino under, and that her little girl had spring colouring....the rest was in my hands!

So I drafted up this dress and made it with this cute spotty cotton lawn print and teamed it with the watermelon pink.

I added shirring in the back for a good fit, but still allows stretch when needed and made the straps adjustable.
The straps feed through two loops in the back and then tie into a bow....hence adjustable!

I also loved making the pin tucked hemline, and I think I'll give that a go again on one of my daughters dresses.

In fact I was really tempted to keep it! ( slaps hand! ) Even mum told me too!! Naughty influence!!

The dress is fully lined and the cotton lawn makes the skirt drape lovely, so I'll definitely be buying some more!

And because I was soooooo late in sending this to her, and some major guilt pangs set in! (Sammy was wonderful, didn't ask about it at all! so kind )  
I decided to make a little purse/bag out of the remnants.  


On the outside I used a variegated thread to create a Kantha Quilt effect, and the inside is the main dress fabric.....the bow was added for the final touch!

This morning I got an email from Sammy, saying she was ecstatic with everything!.....I was very touched by her reply :) 
Isn't it lovely when you get such a response!?

Linking in for the first time in Agggeeessss!!! 

And Andrea at The Train to Crazy 
with Make it Wear it

NOW I better go catchup on all your blogs!! :))
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