Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our tomato withdrawl is well and truly cured!

The tomatoes are in full swing and after a few days of forgetting them, the tomatoes are overfloweth! 

Its funny how the anticipation of the tomato season for us is so great as we plant our first seeds, nurture them as seedlings, and then plant them lovingly like little babies in their specially prepared bed.
And then boom! harvest comes and the excitement of tasting the first ripe tomato is soon followed by the feeling of 'oh crap'! 
So many tomatoes!!!

So trying my hardest to keep up with the influx, all of Mikes family favourites have been put into full production with the occasional helping hand from the kids.

It started with Tomato relish last week, and now it's Tomato sauce and Slow Roasted Tomatoes with garlic and thyme on the go

Mum's already put her hand up to help if it gets all a bit too much....especially as there are a number of large marrows outside, which each could have easily won their section in the local A&P show! I'm thinking mum's recent delicious marrow pickle recipe will be the thing for those :))

And yes they're not tomatoes but I how could I not resist?! Plus like on clockwork while I was chopping all those tomatoes, ( that makes it totally relevant ) our mischievious ducks came to let me know it was dinner time....quack quack quack quack 

( oh and there they go again....it's as if they have a sixth sense! )

Just in case you may be dealing with your own influx, I'll leave you with the yummiest way to enjoy a bit of summer in winter.

 Slow Roasted Tomato and Garlic Sauce

Preheat your oven to a low heat....I use 100 degrees
Then simply halve your cherry tomatoes and lay them out in a single layer on a large oven baking tray.
Peel and crush/chop up a whole bulb of garlic, add some thyme or oregano, and plenty of salt and pepper, a few glugs of olive oil and mix, spread back out before placing in the oven for 3-4 hours checking every now and to stir and rearrange to assist in the process.

The second photo shows them about half way through the process, they should be far more shrivelled up than shown.

I then place portions in containers and keep them in the freezer, taking them out to add to pasta's or sauces that need a bit of a boost.


BigLittle said...Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! Look at all your tomatoes! This probably sounds a bit odd, but I have such a thing for growing tomatoes. For years now I have been growing heirloom ones and saving the seed each year - normally about 8-10 varieties. But two years ago we were moving house so they didn't go in and this year I was overseas around planting time so none this year either. We did plant a few from the garden centre but it is just not the same as nurturing them from seed. Your pile looks so gorgeous I will simply enjoy looking at yours instead :) Thanks for sharing your recipe too, sounds wonderful - might have to purchase some tomatoes from the local market so we can get our fix. Lisa xx

Miriam said...Best Blogger Tips

wow! and yum! :o)

Sophie Slim said...Best Blogger Tips

WOWZA!!!! That's the most tomatoes i've ever seen!

jacksta said...Best Blogger Tips

oh! well done!

Susan C. said...Best Blogger Tips

That is something I would like to achieve. I put in four plants this year, we have enough for salads. How many plants do you pop in? I am quietly happy about my harvest though as it has endured 40 deg plus weather and still doing well. Your slow roasted tomatoes are stunning I can only imagine the flavour! Ducks are so cutsie. :-)

Schulz Family said...Best Blogger Tips

Yummy yum yum. You must have the most phenomenal amount of tomato plants.

Schulz Family said...Best Blogger Tips

Yummy yum yum. You must have the most phenomenal amount of tomato plants.

Leonie said...Best Blogger Tips

Crickey!! that is one heck of a mountain of tomatoes! that should keep you going for a while :)

Bron said...Best Blogger Tips

That is a lot of tomatoes...treat them right and you will have them to eat all through the winter...yummy recipe x

Juliet @ Tartankiwi said...Best Blogger Tips

Ooh yuym! That sounds delicious! Thanks for the recipe :-)

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